Sharing your life with a pet is an enjoyable, rewarding and beneficial experience. Ask any satisfied pet owner about the pleasure they feel when arriving home to a warm welcome and you’ll hear how much happiness a pet can bring to a person’s life.
Pet ownership brings responsibility and obligation. Caring for a pet involves a lifelong commitment to the animal’s well-being, so it should not be an impulsive decision. Spend some time considering your choice before selecting a pet. As all household members will also be affected by your decision to adopt a pet, be sure to discuss your choices with them.
Consideration should also be given to the adaptability of pets already living in the household. Young animals generally adapt more easily to new pets than older animals. Species and gender compatibilities should also be considered.
You will certainly enjoy the benefits of pet ownership if you are willing to make the necessary commitments and complete the necessary research to ensure your pet has a healthy and happy life and to understand what impact owning a pet may have on the people and community around you.
Your pet will also enjoy the benefits of having a considerate, dedicated and knowledgeable owner. For more help in adopting click on Selecting and Owning a Pet
Bringing a dog into your family is a huge responsibility. When you adopt a canine companion, you’re promising to care for them for the rest of their lives. That’s a pretty big commitment, so you would figure that a lot of thought would go into the decision, but veterinarians commonly see well-meaning pet parents who get a dog without much (or any) forethought. Sometimes we wonder what (if anything) was discussed before these owners decided to get a dog.
Many behavioral problems we see could have been solved if the pet parents had thought a little about what they want in a dog, or even considered some general rules for having a dog, BEFORE actually getting one. It’s usually situations like this that end up with the poor animal being surrendered or abandoned because “things just weren’t working.”
Please, PLEASE don’t put an animal through this kind of experience. It is very important that you don’t rush into getting a pet. In the interest of creating well-prepared pet parents, we put together a list of 10 things you should really decide, discuss, or think about BEFORE you get a dog.
If you have a minute, please take a look at this article (even if you aren’t looking for a dog). Who knows, it may help you help a friend that is looking for a dog or prepare you for future dog ownership
P.S.: Remember, your vet can be a great source of advice when you’re considering adding a dog to your family. The next time you give the subject some thought, why not ask your vet what they think? It could be a great way to get tips and recommendations from someone who already knows you and your lifestyle.
Dr Debra, PetPlace.com