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Additional Services

There are a wide variety of other services that we offer our clients. Yes we do castrate and spay rabbits, pot bellied pigs, guinea pigs etc. If there is something odd or unusual that you can't find on our website but you need or would like us to do please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email -

Laboratory Blood Testing


Several types of potential health problems can be identified with laboratory screening: diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid disorders, urinary tract infections, etc.—and the earlier they are found, the better…

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Pet Health Insurance


Relatively speaking, veterinary care is a great deal. The cost of veterinary care has actually risen very little during the last 20 to 30 years. When compared to the rising…

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Pharmacy Dispensary


Our clinic’s in-house pharmacy is well stocked with a variety of drugs to teat most common infections and diaease problems. We have most commonly used antib iotics, steroids, pain management,…

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Grooming & Bathing

*We now have a groomer on staff* Our groomer has limited availability as she also works within the clinic as a Veterinary Medical Assistant. If you are interested in her...
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Euthanasia and Cremation


“EUTHANASIA IS AN ACT TO END SUFFERING, NOT AN ACT TO END LIFE” Perhaps the kindest thing you can do for a pet that is extremely ill or so severely…

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Preparing to Say Goodbye


The hardest part of loving a pet is having to say goodbye. For so many of us, pets are more than animals that live in our homes—they’re family. Deciding how…

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Medicated Baths


There are many indications for medicated baths in animals. One of the most common reasons for using a medicated bath is to treat ‘itchy’ skin. Another common condition responsive to…

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