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  • Dec 10 2014

    Christmas Coloring Contest!

    'Tis the Season to be Jolly, and we would like to decorate our walls with pictures colored by our friends. …

  • Dec 04 2014

    Holiday Safety and Your Pets

    The festive season is in full swing, and we love sharing the season with family and friends – including our pets. In order to make sure that all of your 2014 holiday memories are happy ones, here…

  • Nov 20 2014

    The Yellow Dog Project

    Have you ever seen a dog with a yellow ribbon on its collar or leash and wondered what it’s about? The Yellow Dog Project is a not-for-profit movement to help dog owners and the public identify dogs…

  • Nov 13 2014

    Ebola and Your Pets

    By Lynn Buzhardt, DVM …

  • Oct 23 2014

    Are Black Cats Bad Luck?

    Every October, shelters and rescues are mired in controversy over black cats. Some shelters are criticized for offering special adoption fees for black cats during the spooky season, while others are…

  • Oct 06 2014

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    October has a special meaning for many women. It's a time of year set aside to raise awareness of breast cancer issues. In the spirit of breast cancer awareness month, let’s review how this cancer…

  • Sep 22 2014

    Aniaml Health Week

    Antibiotic Resistance and How it Affects Your Pet …