Relatively speaking, veterinary care is a great deal. The cost of veterinary care has actually risen very little during the last 20 to 30 years. When compared to the rising cost of human health care, pet care is not at all unreasonable.
Bear in mind that your veterinarian is not only your pet’s general physician, but also its surgeon, radiologist, dentist, dermatologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, ears/nose/throat doctor, and pharmacist.
Your veterinary bill is a reflection of the costs of maintaining suitable facilities, equipment and support personnel to provide the level of care that is expected in animal medicine today. Remember too that the original cost of the animal has no bearing on the cost of services rendered.
Although it may feel as if you are paying more for your pet’s health care than your own, chances are that you probably have adequate health care insurance for your own needs. Consequently, you may never see the total bottom-line figure for your own doctor bills. When human health care costs are added up-including insurance, deductibles, and pharmaceutical costs-there is no comparison to the much lower veterinary care costs.
The American Animal Hospital Association strongly suggests that all pet owning families assess their financial situation and consider their ability to meet unexpected expenses that may be incurred for veterinary care. For some families, these expenses may be met through existing savings. Others may be able to use credit card reserves or medical payment cards. Some families should consider budgeting for these expenses and still others may want to consider protecting themselves through pet health insurance policies.
Today, pet health insurance is available to offset the costs of your furry friends’ medical expenses. The American Animal Hospital Association is not affiliated with any pet health insurance company but for those considering pet health insurance, AAHA offers the following suggestions:
- Be sure you understand what the policy covers. Some policies (but not all) cover some preventative care, such as vaccinations, but there may be additional cost for this coverage.
- Understand the exclusions. Almost all policies exclude pre-existing conditions and some exclude hereditary conditions. Some may exclude certain conditions unique to certain breeds.
- Almost all policies have a deductible and a co-pay requirement. Some pay according to a set schedule of “usual and customary fees” while some pay based on the actual incurred expense. Be sure you understand how expenses will be reimbursed.
Ask whether or not the policy allows you to seek care from a veterinarian of your own choosing or whether you must go to a veterinarian that participates in the company’s network of providers. When faced with a pet’s serious illness, most pet owners want to be able to obtain care from their regular veterinarian.
- Speak with your veterinarian or someone on her practice team. While veterinarians do not sell insurance, chances are they have had experience with the policy you are considering and can provide helpful advice.
Again, veterinary care can provide your pet with many years of healthy and happy life. Managing the expense of veterinary care can be done in a number of ways; the important advice is to think about it before the need arises.
A common example of a condition where pet insurance saves lives: Diabetes – The average cost of care for a diabetic cat is $2000-4000. The costs can really add up and treatment is generally for life. Diabetic cats typically need insulin injections twice a day as well as periodic checkups. This doesn’t include any complications or the possibility of the condition worsening.
This is another reason why we are so grateful that pet insurance exists. You never know what is going to happen with your cat. One insurance company that we’ve really enjoyed working with is Trupanion medical insurance for your pet. What we really like about Trupanion is how much medical care they cover and how easy it is to understand their coverage.
Trupanion offers a simple, customizable pet insurance policy, the best value in the industry. With 90% coverage for the actual costs of diagnostic tests, surgeries, medications, and hospital stays, your pet will be protected against having to make a difficult decision about their treatment.
You can even stay with your pet’s favorite vet. Pet owners can choose any veterinarian, including emergency veterinary clinics and veterinary specialists, knowing that their pet insurance will still provide benefits. Pet health insurance is surprisingly simpler and more affordable than people think. To learn more about Trupanion pet insurance policies or to get a free quick quote now. Go to: Trupanion.com. We will issue a For a FREE Trupanion 30-day TRAIL certificate for all pets between 8wks – 14yrs that have been examined by a veterinarian. Once the pet owner activates the trial (within 24hrs of the exam), they will benefit from 30 days of coverage – without the need for payment.