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Mar 27 2018

Pet Identification

The Importance of Pet Identification

The SPCA has found that 1 in 3 pets will get lost at least once during their lives. Without proper identification up to 90% of lost pets are never reunited with their owners. Most experts agree that pets should have at least one permanent form (microchip or tattoo) and one visible form (tattoo or collar tag) of identification to have the highest chance of being returned to their families.

Tattoo: Tattoos are typically done when a pet is spayed or neutered. They are placed on the inside of the ear and provide a permanent visible identification. However, some tattoos fade over time or become illegible. Some tattoos are done by breeders and not all are easily traceable back to the current owner.

Microchip: Microchipping can be done at any point in a pet’s life. These provide a permanent form of identification that never fades. The downside to microchipping is that they are not visible to the people who find your pet. Additionally, sometimes microchips can migrate, making them hard for shelters to find when scanning your pet.

Collar tags:  Tags are available from many sources. When your pet is vaccinated for Rabies they should receive a tag. Many pet stores sell tags inexpensively. Once registered with the city your pet will receive a tag as well. Tags are great forms of visible identification but they are not permanent because they can fall off the collar, or the entire collar can be lost.