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Jan 07 2016

Pet Dental Health Awareness – time to “Flip the Lip”

From now until the end of March, we are offering special incentives that benefit your pets oral health. As many of you know, dental health is extremely important. Not only does poor dental health smell bad when Fluffy gives you kisses but it truly affects your pets health and well being. Poor dental health can lead to: heart disease, liver failure, poor appetite, infections, and severe gum disease and halitosis.


Call our Clinic today at 780-352-7006 to set up an appointment for your pet’s complimentary oral health assessment and treatment plan. There is no cost for this service and we can walk you through brushing, dental nutrition, and other products that may be a benefit. If your pet is recommended for a dental procedure we will discuss options with you as well as give you an estimate of costs expected. During the months of Jan, Feb and March we are offering additional cost savings on all dental procedures, products and diets.

Happy Brushing to you all!
