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By March 13, 2018 April 3rd, 2018 Uncategorized

March is National Tick Awareness Month Expanding tick populations are a growing concern for pet owners who seem to have more questions than ever, despite the large amount of information in media and on the Internet. Ticks are expanding their range in Canada. That means the risk of pets and people being exposed to ticks and the diseases they can carry – like Lyme disease – is growing. What are the risks in our area? What can you do to reduce them? We can help answer those questions, and set up a tick control program for your pet. Give us a call at 780-352-7006 or email us at! 

A tick-free dog is a healthier dog!

Ticks are common parasites that can be found anywhere, from the deep woods to urban parks. And each year, thousands of dogs become infected with serious diseases transmitted by a number of different ticks. Diseases like ehrlichiosisLyme disease, anaplasmosis and others.

Generally known as vector-borne disease, the risks they pose to your dog can be minimized with preventive measures (topical medications, chewable tablets, etc.) and annual checkups include vector-borne disease screening. This is especially important, as symptoms of vector-borne disease are often vague and difficult to recognize. Because of this, many pet owners don’t know their dog is suffering from a debilitating tick disease until it’s too late.

Fortunately, can help pet owners with tips and information about vector-borne disease and how to keep dogs safe. Because when you know more about the risk, you can help keep your best friend happy, healthy and tick-free.