Each year countless animals are reunited with their pets by wearing tags on their collars. All of our patients receiving a Rabies Vaccination will get a new SOS Rabies tag!
These have a code on one side which you can scan with your smart phone, you can add personal information and photos to this account. If someone uses finds your pet they can log in or scan and you can be notified immediately that someone has your pet.
SOSLostpets is a rabies tag that you attach on your pet’s collar. Each tag is engraved with a toll-free number and a scannable QR code . The finder of your lost pet is invited to scan the QR code with a smartphone or call the S.O.S. Lost Pet number.
- If the tag is scanned, the QR code forwards the finder to a microsite displaying carefully selected information about you and your pet. (you configure yourself the information that will be displayed)
- If the finder prefers to call the toll free number, S.O.S. Lost Pets forwards the call directly to the owner and sends an SMS to you and/or to a person of your choice (here as well, you can customize this information on your profile once logged in on www.soslospets.com).
An Email message and a text message are also sent, informing you that your pet was found. If you are not reachable? The finder can leave a message.
If you have an animal with a Rabies tag from us and would like a new SOS tag, just stop in the clinic and we can do that for you right away. Rabies Tags Registration to register and find more information if you go to our links.